May 20, 2011

Do you think I have lost it?

I'll tell you how I function...I come across something that I absolutely HAVE TO write down some of it in a diary...then type out a draft, and think it's really lame and leave it unpublished. When I come back to it a few days later, I can see what's wrong/missing...and it becomes a post. But for the last so many days, I seem to have come across nothing that I absolutely have to write about!! I still pushed myself into writing about something that seemed mildly interesting. Left it in draft state for days...weeks now...and it still seems so crappy!! I don't think I have that blog-y thing in me anymore! :( And like all other things I had thought I would enjoy, I am putting it off without any evident reason!

Oh but it isn't all glum! I recently went for an interview, and when asked what kind of books I liked, very matter-of-fact-ly admitted: Fiction. But they didn't stop at that! Next question: What sort of fiction? I was stumped! I couldn't possibly say chic-litt, could I? So I gave a broaaaadddd smile and said, at the risk of sounding silly, I like happy stories! Yes yes, I winced inwardly even as I said it. How can anyone say stuff like that in an interview? (Btw, it was only for a training placement...but I really really wanted it!!)

Have I told you before that I am the luckiest person I know? :D I got the position despite my daftness :)

p.s. LOOK at that! another meaningless post!!


Ranjani said...

its sad how we cant possibly admit to our love for chick lit in front of interview boards...why the prejudice?! evil society :X

cute post :)

creyzeee said...

i know!!! they just don't want people who love sophie kinsella n karan johar ;)

Kay said...

Lol.. A similar thing happened with me too.. The interviewer first asked what kind of books.. and then went ahead with which is your favourite... after that.. gave me a case study to calculate ''number of average fiction readers in a month'' :-/

creyzeee said...

oh gawd! thankfully there were no numbers involved here!! :D