Amidst all the bickering and politicking and complaining, I had forgotten that having cousins over is the most FUN thing ever!! Even if it's just one of them, it makes things so much brighter! Last night, we had the most mundane conversation ever, where my contribution was negligible... but my super cool bhai-behen were discussing rough columns and margins (on exam papers) so as to decide who should get how much space on the bed on each side. It was veryyyyy entertaining!
And then we went to see Billu Barber yesterday, despite knowing that it's not going to be anything great! I looooove doing that! hehe..n there was no convincing, managing to do! wow! :) And the movie was pretty nothing...What is wrong with the word barber now?? Or with any word for that matter? Ughh!!
Anyway, the bottom line is, having cousins over rocks! And we're planning to see Dilli6 too! cool is that? ;)
P.S. Shaadis are fun if you know just a handful of people present and there's good food!
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