Nov 23, 2008

i've been trying to avoid posting about movies...but this one was really good. i'm talking about summer 2007. remember? the one with sikandar kher, gul panang etc? very good promos (at least i thought so) and veryyyyy forgettable reviews...! from what i remember, sikandar kher was the only one who got 'applauded' for the effort...which is kinda surprising! Coz no offence to anyone, but he wasn't that great. n honestly, he looks kinda repulsive (i hope he gets better a few years later like most star kids manage to).
so anyway, coming back to the main was a very good movie. but no wonder it was a super flop. the first half goes about establishing how the protagonist (kher) and his gang (a smooth-talker, a hung-over ex, a despo and a preacher) are the representatives of the care-a-damn generation...sadly, the effort is a lil short of pathetic. or no, it Is pathetic. and these people have hideous nicknames like 'butter' and 'pepsi' and 'mother T' (which Could be short for mother teresa...who knows!) so, after a casual attempt at college politics backfires, this gang of five decides to escape...their idea of escape? going for the mandatory 'rural service' visit. What's funny is, they just 'decide' to go, and the college provides a nice bus n all to get them to their destined centre. just the five of them! very la-la-land types!
once they get there, the plan is to get the required certs n go on a month-long holiday. but circumstances are such that they get sucked into the village issues...what follows is a grim portrayal of what is now typical of a lot of villages in maharashtra and many other states. farmers being tortured by money lenders...being forced to give up their land, the dignity of their women...their lives...everything!
it's an issue hardly talked about...i know mere talking doesn't get problem solved, but it's an essential first step no?
i'd rate this as a "must watch"...if for nothing else, then just to bring to our consciousness the enormity of the problem which we are more or less blind to.


Prashant Sree said...

Well, hearing about the movie for the first time...Summer 2007 ! I dunno about that, yet have reviews about this post...

1)Good that you have broached upon the "Existent Issue", hence making your own effort to spread awareness... In that case, your talking does matters,(though in a small way !! )

2)Would be great if rules of English are better followed while posting with spaces and sentence gaps.. Its your blog, so you have your own freedom,yet the reader deserves something !! ;)

creyzeee said...

umm...where was there a breach of the "rules of English"??

Prashant Sree said...

Ok... Not exactly a breach !! Rather rules of english not adhered to.. Like having some spaces between new sentences and new para's....

Makes it much more easier for the reader to read... :) Dont u think so...

creyzeee said...

ah! like dat! :)
yea it would be a lot easier with better spacing
just that, sometimes the posts r vry spontaneous...but point taken nevertheless!