Jul 2, 2008

why has anger become the default emotion for so many of us?

"...Why are we angry all the time? And why do we get so angry over so little? It is normal to feel anger in some situations. Rage is resonable human response when our desires are thwarted and our needs unmet. But surely the level of anger should be proportionate to the provocation? But increasingly, that's not the case in our modern world. It seems to take the slightest thing to set us off on a homicidal rage. It's almost as if we are human time bombs, ticking over in quiet desperation and all it takes is the slightest nudge to make us explode. Is it that the frenetic pace of modern life has made us so demanding and impatient that we want everything and we want it now? Or have we developed such a huge sense of entitlement that we cannot bear to be thwarted? Or is it simply that we have turned into overgrown babies who can only cope with disappointment by throwing giant temper tantrums? In which case, perhaps it's not too late to grow up."
[Excerpt from HT Brunch, 29 June '08: 'All The Rage' by Seema Goswami]

the above lines are not mine...but i couldn't hav agreed more! wat is rong wid ppl these days??? y is every1 so touchy?! n so aggressive bout every lil thing?
it's as if everyone is rushing...and each one feels he is the be-all n end-all of everything that even a lil hint of this bubble bursting is taken as an offence...


Runjoo said...

man...that lady has captured my feelings too...rightly said adi, cudnt have agreed more!

Sandeep Balan said...

the pace is such tht even 24 hours a day seem less...add pressure,desperation,frustration are the ingredients in equal proportions and yey...the aroma of anger....gud article to highlight adi..

CRD said...

well its definitely due to the frenetic pace of life. we try to squeeze in a lot of tasks in a small time window and wen thts upset even a little, everything goes berserk. tht wen we lose our top.

Sachin Garg said...

written like a true psycho.

creyzeee said...

thnk u?

Tapan said...

Well well well...
1. Who is talking?
Lemme give some background. This girl never loses her temper, just starts a countdown 10 9 8 7... if u dont apologize till 0 she shall stop talking to you. I dont really know that will happen after 0!

2. People & Temper:
Yes these two things go hand in hand considering the fact that people are stressed out of their jobs/classes/lectures/children etc.

My understanding is we need to do what we like doing and not under pressure or commitment. And yes 8hrs of day work rocks. So Ms. Creyzee (psycologist) will telll us how to beat the stress and the temper in her next blog!

creyzeee said...

1. i Do lose my temper...just goes on 2 show hw u generalize from 1 odd event!
2. true...ppl hav a lot 2 worry about these days...but imagine losing ur temper everytime things dint wrk d way u wanted dem 2...dats wat irks me. getting angry is natural. throwing temper tantrums 4 every lil thing isn't.

poo said...

anger is just like any other emotion, it'd be the default only if a person is angry all the time. n i guess thats quite rare.

so i contradict the statements a little.. but at the same time, i would like to raise another questiona as to why non-acceptance has been a habit with most of us these days?

the main thing is with so much of negativity around, there are times, when some emotions could reach the peak while the rest take a little rest.


creyzeee said...

"anger is just like any other emotion, it'd be the default only if a person is angry all the time. n i guess thats quite rare."
poonam- its not being angry all d time but getting angry at the tiniest pretext dat i'm talking about :)n though i dnt hav an answer...i do agree dat 'non-acceptance' has been on d rise lately... :(