For the last two months, I’ve been on a looooong break. Almost immediately after the final exams. It’s been a great vacation. And mostly, I’ve had a great time ;)
I want to do a day-wise thingy for the euro trip…at least the first 10 days n the convocation (doesn’t leave out much then!). But I know me. And I’m too lazy for all this…Still, I’ll give it a shot.
This particular trip had First-Time-Ever written all over it. First time abroad. And all the firsts associated with it – change in time-zone, jet-lag (or the lack of it), a convocation ceremony (though not mine), pubs in oxford (or anywhere for that matter!), and basically being in a “foreign” place.
The flight to London was good. I got a little impatient coz I’ve never sat in a plane for more than two-n-half hours. But I got to see Kismat Konnection. So I was happy. Hehe. Being the only one among the four of us who was literally stepping outta India for the very first time, I knew that a lotta gyaan was gonna come my way all the time. I took it pretty well too. Well, for almost the entire journey. But more about that later.
I had white wine onboard. It wasn't very nice. And my dad's coke looked so much better in comparison!! So I had coke on the way back..n it was too little compared to the drinks the others had! life just isn't fair!!! ha!
more later...laziness has set in :)