Oct 31, 2008


About Fashion...go watch it!!! It's actually a nice movie...a good watch....a typical Madhur-Bhandarkar-kinda thing. Oh n watch it for Mugdha Godse!! :)
Nice storyline n all...n since i know nothing of fashion or the 'fashion-world' ;) i have no parameters to do a reality-congruency-check. One thing that struck me though was that men in this industry are either gay or sick b******s or both. If the portrayl is to be believed, straight men are crooked. The only nice men are gay. And then too, you can't just assume that aman is nice coz he's gay. ahh....story of my life! hahaha
The music is great too. Like very apt types...dunno if that's ripped from somewhere! but watevr!

Oct 19, 2008

have you felt it
i don't think i have...ever before
this craving to speak
and not knowing whom to turn to
when even thoughts go mum
and you have not even yourself for company
lonely amidst a crowd
i don't know what to say
not beacuse i don't have the words
but because my voice fails me
instead, tears are all that i can manage
but even those get dried up after a while
i wonder who would understand
i wonder what to say
no voices within
no thoughts, no images
an unknown void
more perplexing than disturbing
why am i feeling this?
what is it that wouldn't let go?

Oct 15, 2008

I am what i think I am...the way I see myself, the way I interpret how others see me, and the way I always have been. All this is nothing but a bunch of perceptions and memories . And in a way, I am nothing without them.

If, for instance, I forget all that's happened to me ever..all that I've done and said...I wouldn't know myself! And that's a scary thought. Maybe that's why I want people I love to know me...so that even when I don't know me, there's still someone who does! But what's the point of someone knowing me if i myself don't...?

disturbing as that thought is...it's scarier to think of a loved one forgetting me...How painful it must be, to be wiped outta someone's life! If v r defined by our needs, then i will be defined by my need for acceptance. Give me two people who like me for what i am and i'll ask for nothing more. but what if one of these ppl 'forgets' me?